Human Death ClericStep 2. Using my 3/0 brush, I painted the face with Flesh. For base coating, I use a 2:1 paint to water mix. I gave this three coats. As much as I would love to start shading and highlighting the face, I'm going to wait and finish the rest of the mini instead. But I wanted to get the base coat in place first. Step 3. I applied three coats of True Navy (same 2:1 base coat mix) to all of the armor. You can also see in this picture that I have attached a hobby stick (same as a Popsicle stick) to the base with a drop of superglue. This makes the mini much easier to hold while painting. I'm very glad that I chose to finish the face last. There's a small dot of blue on her left jaw. Copyright © 2002 Brian Byars. All rights reserved.